ADDENDUM TO ZST_FRMT.TXT ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ "zst_frmt.txt" is slightly outdated; since it was written, the authors of ZSNES have added some variables to the expandable area. From zst_frmt.txt: ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ... interlval db 0 HIRQLoc dw 0 ; HIRQ X location tempdat times 490 db 0 ; expandable area wram7E times 65536 db 0 ... From uZST.pas (vSNES source): ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ... interlval : Byte; HIRQLoc : Word; KeyOnStA : Byte; KeyOnStB : Byte; SDD1BankA : Byte; SDD1BankB : Byte; SDD1BankC : Byte; SDD1BankD : Byte; vramread2 : Byte; nosprincr : Byte; poamaddrs : Word; ioportval : Byte; iohvlatch : Byte; ppustatus : Byte; {477} tempdat : packed Array[0..$001DC] of Byte; {2 * 65536} wram : tWRAM; {1 * 65536} vram : tVRAM; ... (illegal eagle aka creaothceann, 2006-01-06)